Friday, June 7, 2013

Bangkok and beyond!

We have now been in Bangkok for almost a week and things are certainly looking up! For the first few days I felt completely lost and panic and anxiety threatened to overtake me, then as a plan began to evolve my confidence started to return. I am still not my old self and the bewildered and betrayed feeling is subsiding.

“What to do la?” as the Bhutanese would say.
“Move on!” comes the firm reply.

We have cut ourselves some slack and decided to do a bit of travelling in S E Asia. Top on the list of places we would like to see and have never been before is Myanmar and close behind is Vietnam so that’s where we are bound. There is nothing like a completely new experience to stimulate the mental processes and activate the adventurer within.

Just before we rush off into the great unknown, we have set our sails on a bit of an island adventure in Thailand. Despite the many times we have visited here we have never been on a beach and now that it is low season and we are rather at a loose end it seems like the perfect opportunity.

As much as possible we hope to travel by train, bus, ferry or on foot but for Myanmar at least having evidence of flights in and out is a prerequisite for the visa application. Hopefully now that that process is complete we can kick back and relax until our randomly selected departure date rolls around.

Up until now this blog has been a record of places in which we have lived but it seems set to become something of a travelogue for at least the immediate future. No time like the present for a complete change.

Inspired by Nancy Strickland’s offer we are once again considering spending a year in the Thunder Dragon Kingdom. We want to be sure that that is really what we want this time so we will mull it over and as we consider our options and keep our eyes and ears open to what is still available out there or is that out here! If there is one thing that we learned in Bhutan it is that we are all responsible for our own happiness and that is going to be my focus for the next few months….. pursuing happiness.


  1. Oh, welcome to Thailand. Hope you enjoy and rest well there. If you visit Myanmar this time you may face a lot of rain there!

    1. We love Thailand and the people Thanks Yes it will be wet in Myanmar but this is our opportunity to go so we will! We have rain jackets and an umbrella so we will survive
