Thursday, September 20, 2012


Martha is dead

I need to say it aloud to make it real.
This is an almost friend of mine…..
We had less than a year to get to know each other
But we made similar life choices and lived in similar worlds

I cannot console myself
and still I do not comprehend the grief that overwhelms me

I appreciate the Buddhist precepts more
Because this happened here
But I am denied the option of respect for the dead I know
Forced to confront the reality of impermanence

Embrace life: It may be all you have

I cannot console myself
and still I do not comprehend the grief that overwhelms me

I do not want to cloak it in euphemisms
I wish she had been happier here
I regret the indecision, the inaction
I hear the loudness, the easy laugh and the exclamations

I cannot console myself
and still I do not comprehend the grief that overwhelms me

I wish you peace and know that it is no longer possible
Lessons have been learnt at your expense
Flags will fly in your honour
Lamps will salute your wit, your tenacity, your hutzpah!

I cannot console myself
and still I do not comprehend the grief that overwhelms

Embrace life: It may be all you have



Madam Martha as you were wont to say
“Where is the family brain today?”

They drove you mad but didn’t drive you away
That happened when you died today.


  1. My deepest condolences to you two, and all who knew Martha. Sending healing thoughts your way.

  2. That was extremely kind of you to visit her in the hospital and I'm sure she appreciated your love and care. I wish that I would have known that she was sick, but now all we can do is send her a loving prayer. It was also a shock to hear that "Martha is dead" and those same words that you wrote in the beginning just doesn't feel real. Take care and I will see you soon.
