Tuesday, July 30, 2024

oNe PhOtO a DaY jUlY 2024:

JULY 1st SKYLINE: After months in the Himalayas we have been hanging out to swim and were disappointed that we arrived too late last night. This afternoon we went up to check out the pool but I found the skyline pretty impressive too

JULY 2nd TO MY LEFT: We went on a discovery wander through the old traditional Talat Noi district in Bangkok this afternoon. The narrow alleys and lanes contain coopers and heavy machinery parts, specialised coffee roasters and street art, Chinese temples and colonial architecture. It’s a history lesson, an evolving community and a testimony to those living artisans still practicing age old traditions. This tuk tuk was parked adjacent to a rickshaw tucked into a corner near the river


JULY 3rd LETERS: There were stacks of letters at the post office when we were there to dispatch our postcards, which by the way were very difficult to even find. Continuing our snail mail project as every recipient seems to get a kick out of it

JULY 4th BOLD COLOURS: in one of the many street art murals we saw in Talat Noi a couple of days ago


JULY 5th DAPPLED SUNLIGHT: through the clouds on the riverside at twilight was the best I could muster today as it’s been overcast and threatening rain all day


JULY 6th PETS AT PLAY: Without pets of our own we took a stroll along riverside at twilight hoping for a scene to fit the prompt but this is as close as it got….. keen to play at least


JULY 7th UP CLOSE SND PERSONAL: with one of the little trinkets I bought for myself in Bhutan …. Any guesses what it is?


JULY 8th CONTRAST: The old and the new. Old breather bricks providing ventilation and new glass bricks providing extra light in the bathroom and working in harmony despite their differences

JULY 9th A QUIET PLACE: The newly refurbished and very quiet GPO in Phnom Penh this afternoon, was looking lovely. We dropped in to mail a postcard and were called not long after to come back and collect a package and it was pretty much quiet and empty on both occasions


JULY 10th A COLLECTION: A large part of today has been spent sorting, cleaning and arranging wardrobe space and I seem to have several collections but the one I most frequently add to, is scarves. This is just a small sample and those that I wear frequently. I also collect baskets.  I am thrilled with this use to store my scarves so I can just grab the one I want easily and the handles making the perfect shelf for the Panama hat was just an added bonus

JULY 11th METAL: One of the more impressive street sculptures in Phnom Penh is this peace dove made from weapons. I had to revisit today for this prompt

JULY 12th HISTORIC BUILDING: We walk past this almost every day and I always look at it. The National Museum truly is in a stunning location and a beautiful, historic building that is currently undergoing restoration and rejuvenation

JULY 13th NIGHT TIME: in the city we love to live in and the view from a favourite watering hole, from which we can see our own apartment

JULY 14th PEOPLE IN MOTION: I love these old style cyclos and the fact that they are still enabling people to earn an income. They are a daily sight here and used both as delivery vehicles and as a regular form of transport for many especially in the market zones


JULY 15th THE COLOUR RED: Hello new ‘OM’ welcome to your new home


JULY 16th A PARK BENCH: right on the Gulf of Thailand in Kep and one we have often sat on but today has been wet and wild and the ocean is turbulent so we were happy just to stand and watch

JULY 17th BLUE & WHITE: The iconic Kep crab

JULY 18th A STACK OF BOOKS: painted on the column of the entrance to a second-hand bookstore selling titles in 10 or so different languages. Serving expats in Cambodia!!


JULY 19th WINDOW VIEW: or in this case a view of a shuttered window facing the street and looking weatherworn


JULY 20th A CONSTRUCTION SITE: for what will be very modern new addition to the Phnom Penh skyline. Already it is visible from many locations in the city including our own terrace

JULY 21st NUMBERS: There are plenty of numbers in our games box

*this was selected for the Fab Four on Face book much to my suprise

JULY 22nd HANDS IN ACTION: The little monks of Kep were all hands in action and not exactly playing by the rules of this memory game but I was impressed that it was still in use and almost all the pieces still there when we saw them last week


JULY 23rd MACHINERY: The kind of machinery you would think is now obsolete, is in fact working overtime in this tropical environment


JULY 24th SUNSET: over the Royal Palace in Phnom Penh. It’s an archive shot from January because it’s rainy season now and it mostly one hundred percent cloud cover

JULY 25th HAND PAINTED: by a friend and very talented artist in Bhutan and just this morning hung in our apartment entranceway

This is the bigger picture of the entrance to our apartment 


JULY 26th TASTY: Spicy noodles with vegetables and tofu in miso soup has been a staple in our house since we lived in Japan but it has evolved into an Asian fusion dish over 30 years and I still love to make it and eat it


JULY 27th BOTTLE: My go to perfume forever. I’ve never consistently worn any other and many give me headaches when someone else is wearing them so this is the bottle for me for the foreseeable future

JULY 28th RELAXING: sitting in my little reading nook in the living room, with my feet up, a great book I’m just dying to start, a couple of postcards to write and a freshly baked zucchini, capsicum and cheese muffin and iced water for lunch. Sunday vibes


JULY 29th SCENTED: Our apartment is often scented like a Bhutanese Lhakhang thanks to this incense purchased on our most recent travels


JULY 30th IN THE DRAWER: of my bedside table are a lot of little personal treasures and most of them have their very own drawstring bag. That way I can identify what they are and grab what I need anytime I want it


JULY 31st JOURNEY: Not often I get to see the train tracks from the driver’s perspective. First stop Takeo! The driver just slipped off for a coffee so I thought I’d take a look



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