Monday, May 27, 2024

The future- philosophically pondering the prospects

“What will become of us?”

This is a question we have asked ourselves forever, from China days and well beyond. Those days seem like a daze now. From the heady investments of working in Japan, to indulging in following dreams with a minimum of security later in Thailand, then the disastrous disappointment of Tanzania and finally back to beautiful Bhutan where the love affair with the people, the place and the culture will last our lifetimes. 

When we began to see that the welfare state was over and that we didn’t have the requisite attitude or desire to accrue enough to support retirement, alternative plans were laid.But how long is a piece of string? How much will be enough? Who can say?

Resistance to change and risk is a topic that arises for discussion in this digital age. Addiction to it is not! Is that where we are at? I don’t think so, but clarity is not easy. 

In a world where AI is compelling, profit is motive and obstacles and challenges uncontrollably overwhelming for so many, values and passion have become underrated and irrelevant. 

Now the question is different. 

Neither one of us wants to become the “one man standing.” However, now we avoid discussing that issue. It’s not analysed or planned for.It’s not a future either of us wants to consider. 

We are a team. We operate in an interdependent domain relying on each other constantly. We don’t want to imagine it otherwise. Nonetheless that is 
what it will become. 

It’s not, “What will become of us?.…. but, “Don’t let it be me,” that becomes the worry. But that very well may be decades or just days away! No-one can say.

Live in the present! What else is there in reality. 

Written 10/3 

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